Learn how to create a capsule wardrobe from a professional stylist with 21 years of experience.
This course is for you if...
- You have a closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear
- You have items that have never been worn
- You struggle to put outfits together and suffer from decision fatigue
- You feel bad for all the money you have wasted and need help to take charge of your wardrobe
- You would like to create a personal style that works for you and your lifestyle
- You feel overwhelmed when you look at your wardrobe and do not know where to start
- You want to step away from fast fashion and buy with intention clothing that will last
- You want to choose quality over quantity in a style that suits you and your budget
You'll gain the tools to stop making purchases you regret
Have the perfect wardrobe that suits you and your lifestyle needs
Let me show you how!
You'll save money, time and space!
The Masterclass includes:
A proven system for assessing your wardrobe
A magic formula for streamlining your clothes and eliminating what you no longer need
A step-by-step guide to finding out what works for you and your lifestyle
The course covers:
- Your style How to rediscover your dream wardrobe
- Taking stock of your wardrobe Practical guidance and easy-to-implement steps to assess and decide what to keep and what to remove
- How your clothes work for you Smart strategies to create a wardrobe based on your lifestyle needs
Bonus content Going forward - How to reduce impulse buys and shop intentionally
Imagine never having to spend ages on deciding what to wear again?
Michelle gives you the secret formula to create your own capsule wardrobe based on years of experience in a simple yet practical guide. Save money, reduce stress and free up your time and money for the things you love.
If you want to REDUCE DECISION FATIGUE and feel stylish again, don't wait; enrol now.
Simple, smart, practical steps with fast results. What are you waiting for?
Course Curriculum
- The Wardrobe Edit
- Gathering everything into one place
- What to do with the clothes you remove
- Items that do not aline with your wardrobe plan
- Is it damaged?
- Does it serve your practical needs?
- Frequency Of Wear
- Your safe go-to items
- How comfortable are your clothes?
- Multiples of the same garment
- How to deal with sentimental clothing
- Test your learning
Hi, I’m Michelle,
I am a minimalist and have been a professional stylist for 21 years working with some of the biggest names in the world, including Katy Perry, Ewan Mcgregor, Jamie Oliver and Renne Zellweger. I have helped private clients save time, money and space and gain confidence. Now, I am sharing the skills I have learnt along the way with you in a course.